Friday, January 30, 2009

Just rambling

Well, I've had an email from my daughter chastising me for not having posted since last week - or longer.

Evidently, blogging does NOT have to be lengthy or deep or thought-provoking. But that is not what I'm used to. I often contributed columns to newspapers, and you didn't write unless you had something of substance to say. At least, that was the way I saw it.

But newspapers are making a fast nosedive into history from the looks of it, so I suppose I should get used to this new way of "communicating."

And I'm not accustomed to hyper-linking, either, which my husband tells me is one of the nearly essential ingredients for blogging.

Perhaps I'll just be a dinosaur blogger...

The only thing of interest, weirdness, today was checking out various sites on the Internet about 12/12/12 or 12/21/12, take your pick. Lots of strange ideas out there. What are these people going to do when we're all still here on December 13, 2012? Maybe they'll just drink a lot of eggnog on the 22nd.

But I suppose they'll turn their sites to 2029 and the arrival of Apophis. You can check it out on Wikipedia.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Musing on a Miracle

I've been feeling pretty down this week with lots of things weighing on my mind - the state of the economy, the state of my economy, tensions at work, my brother's grave illness - to the point where getting up in the morning was difficult. (Especially with this cold. It's been too nice just staying under those warm covers.)

And then I heard the story about the plane landing on the Hudson River.

My mood changed, and I found myself smiling, even happy.

I can only attribute that change of mood to this miracle on January 15. Several miracles, in fact.
  • A pilot who realized that he needed to use the river as a runway.
  • There were no boats in his way.
  • People didn't panic and helped each other.
  • People in boats rushed from all over to pull people from the water if they had to.
  • No one died.
  • I repeat - NO ONE DIED.
How nice to hear a news story where no one died!

I'm going to try to keep this feeling for a while.

At least it will keep my heart warm.