Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Believe

This time of year, we're asked to believe in miracles. This got me thinking about what I DO believe. Here's the list:

I believe that the love of money (i.e. greed) is definitely the root of all evil. [Just think about what's wrong with our world for a minute and see if it doesn't come back to money or power, it's sidekick.] Money in and of itself is not evil - it is the lust for wealth that is evil.

I believe that we should all take care of each other - in our communities, in our state, in our country and in our world.

I believe Congress could do a much better job of representing the will of the people of this country if they were willing to listen to each other.

I believe the words liberal and conservative are perfectly good words and should not be demonized.

I believe that the best compromise, when diverse people are working on a problem, is the solution with which everyone is equally unhappy.

I believe the middle class is in danger of disappearing.

I believe family is the most important thing in my life.

I believe in God, but I don't always understand God's rationale. I also believe that trying to understand God is like trying to teach calculus to cats.

I believe good and evil abide in each of us and we need to be constantly on guard to make sure that good wins.

I believe that "Happy Holidays" is not an effort to destroy Christmas but a greeting said by those who are in doubt of what religion you are and wish not to offend you.

That's about it for today. I'm pretty certain most of these won't change much over the years, but there may be some new ones along the way.

So...what do you believe?

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